Luke Kenny's Published Thoughts

Posts tagged “drag me to hell

Drag me to the dustbin

I have been into good horror films lately so last week I scoured the IMDB & Rotten Tomatoes shortlists of best horror movies according to their ratings. Most of the classics I have already seen (still got Rosemary’s Baby and Carrie to look forward to) but there are a lot of titles released in recent years that were making consistent places in this as well. Drag me to hell was one of them so I decided to rent not knowing to expect psychological or graphic horror scares.

Not really much to say after viewing it really. I didn’t find it particularly scary. Unless you have a phobia of something in particular (in this case, nasty old ladies) I often find those “Terrifying, you’ll wet yourself” quotes you see on posters grossly over-exaggerated. All the scares were pretty predictable and cliché (at least to me). It all just seemed like any other horror film with perhaps a bit more emphasis than usual on silly/unlikely occurrences that only the Final Destination films are allowed to get away with.

Not terrible in any way but I think entirely unforgettable and not really deserving to be on any “best horror” lists. If this is the calibre of horror movie is some of this generations finest, then we really have a long way to get back to the golden days of The Shining and Alien.

** – 2 stars